Radon is a radioactive gas that occurs naturally in the ground. Radon Gas is known as the silent killer, testing your home or business is the only way to ensure there is no risk of radon to your family & employees. Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer after smoking, with exposure causing 21,000 lung cancer deaths per year
Because you cannot see, smell or taste radon gas its important to periodically undertake a radon test. Believing you live in a region that is not affected by radon gas is just one of the myths about this deadly gas. Some studies suggest that exposure to radon gas may also be linked to other types of cancer, such as childhood leukemia.
There are some areas of the UK that have higher radon levels than others, but even in these area. The National Radiological Protection Board has produced maps to indicate levels across the UK. The only way to know whether a property has elevated levels is to undertake a radon test.
If a property has a high radon concentration, exposure over a long period of time poses a serious risk to your health.
Because of the effects of wind and temperature, the air pressure in buildings is usually lower than the air pressure in the soil beneath them. This causes air from the soil to enter the house through cracks and gaps in the floor or walls. This air contains radon gas, and in areas where radon levels in the soil are quite high, indoor radon levels can rise above the Action Level.
Radon can also affect workplaces in the same way as houses. There is legislation to ensure that concentrations are reduced to an acceptable level. This is administered by the either the Health & Safety Executive, or the Environmental Health Officer.
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